Saturday, January 12, 2008

and progress is a message that we send

Ok, the youtube video went up yesterday!

The emails have been pouring in from fellow fans of Brody's. They should have found this blog by now if they were paying attention.

I did get a heads up about a possible message from Brody recently! Something about being at the Patriots game tonight. It's no secret he's a big football fan, so I'm a bit cautious about the validity of that. Not much we can do about it at the moment anyway. We simply don't have enough people on the search yet to be able to investigate such claims.

Which is why I am strongly urging everyone reading this to help me spread the word. One youtube video can easily go unnoticed and much of the public isn't even aware that Brody Hawkins is missing! So please, upload your own videos to youtube. The more videos we have, the more people will see and want to help. The first and most important step to finding Brody is public attention.

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