I just received another anonymous e-mail containing the photo you see above. This one is extremely odd! I think it's probably a weird joke, but I wanted to share it with you all for the sake of holding nothing back. Please share your thoughts on this. As seems to be happening more and more frequently, I am at a loss for words.
From: Anonymous
Subject: penniesonyoureyes
What face did character build in your mind. He is a disease. --Anonymous
peniesonyoureyes?!!?? Like what they do to dead people? This is very strange. I sure would like some confirmation from a trusted source on what Brody looks like.
Bremmie,your anonymous mailer has a youtube accn't under the name "bradburycrunch" with one unusual vid where he not only shows previously unseen tape footage but also refers to himself as "Brody". Maybe you should take a looksee?
Bremmy, like you I don't know what to make of this photo except to say it doesn't look like the other photos of Brody. I find it distasteful that the anonymous mailer referred to this person as a disease.
That dosen't look like brody at all!
When it's a shark.
Anonymous saying "when it's a shark" is the answer to "when is a hawk not a hawk".
Old riddle,anonymous. New question: Who are you?
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