Friday, February 29, 2008

Janie Says

Regarding the audio from the previous post, the source on that posted a comment there detailing how she came upon the CD. For any interested parties out there, check the comments on my previous post to get the whole story.

The plot continues to thicken, and Brody sightings continue to trickle in. I received a new tip in the e-mail earlier today from Florida. I blanked out portions of her address for her privacy.

Subject: Brody Hawkins

Hi, my name's Janie. I spotted Brody at a Reggae Party tonight talking to a redhead at the Clematis by Night show. I couldn't get close enough to talk to him and by the time I borrowed my girlfriend's cam-phone they were gone.
Anyway, I'm in west palm florida. I hope this helps!!


There you have it, everyone. If you're in West Palm area, keep a look out and keep those tips coming!


David Flor said...

I live in South Florida, but in South Dade county - somewhat far from West Palm beach. Plus, I don't have a car, so that doesn't help.

But at least let me try to contact her. Can you provide the contact information? Maybe I can at least talk to her and see what arrangements can be made. I also know of others in the area that might be able to help out.

David Flor said...

I'm "NighthawkUF" on AIM; you can try to contact me through there.

David Flor said...

Haven't heard anything yet... We need to follow up on this!

EMail is "". I got other people in the area; we'll form a posse and hunt him down if we have to. :)

Anonymous said...

I wonder if brody is going to be there this thursday. if you hear anything please let me know. I live in south florida and would LOVE to meet him. my email is my name is Andrew