Sorry for the lack of updates recently everybody. For awhile there the trail had gone cold. It seemed there was a lack of any credible leads. The whole thing became extremely frustrating for me, especially after the fake Brody incident (I was horribly embarrassed about that one).
Anyway, after taking a little break, I went back to my inbox and began sorting through a pile of messages. I came upon one anonymous message (I've been getting a few of them recently, most seem like hoaxes). This one seems rather credible though. Apparently someone recently spotted him at Cheers in Boston on Beacon Street. The message said he was seen with a tall, thin man of African American descent. No other information was provided. Here's a map of the location in case anyone wants to go check it out:
If anyone has any further information, please leave a comment here. Please note, I am no longer responding to questions about myself. This search isn't about me. If you believe in finding Brody, then I'm here trying to coordinate that. That's where our focus needs to be, not on petty suspicions.
Much thanks to everyone still dedicated.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
The Real Brody Hawkins
I apologize for my recent absence, I had to take a unexpected trip to deal with some family matters. All's well, and I'm back at it.
It seems, as one reader pointed out, Brody has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. The Brody we thought we knew is apparently NOT the real Brody Hawkins. The man in the photos I more recently received seem to be legit. Thanks to Mr. Fallows and Mr. Mulder, a recent video of the real Brody Hawkins has been brought to my attention, and I think it has our names written all over it.
Who Made Who
Makes me wonder who he is talking to in that video. Me? Our little search as a whole?
He's right though. It is time to start thinking for ourselves. Brody's pulled a lot of wool over a lot of eyes. Makes me wonder why? What is he up to? Should this video make us suspend our search or revitalize it?
What do you think? Lets have a little discussion, you and I. Post your comments, and I'll respond to them here.
Addressing some recent comments left on the blog:
No, I have not seen Brody in person. I had seen footage of a person I thought was Brody and when I received the original Brody pictures that I posted here, I was taken in by what it turns out was a charade. Apparently Brody's gone to some length to have us looking for the wrong man. If so, why not keep the charade going? Why reveal his true self now? Is it because of whoever the tipster was who sent us the actual Brody photos? Right now, I can't say anything for sure.
I think that's a very good assessment of the situation. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Sorry, I didn't mean there was an actual message in the e-mail. The e-mail simply contained the image, no explanation, no real message at all.
It seems, as one reader pointed out, Brody has pulled the wool over everyone's eyes. The Brody we thought we knew is apparently NOT the real Brody Hawkins. The man in the photos I more recently received seem to be legit. Thanks to Mr. Fallows and Mr. Mulder, a recent video of the real Brody Hawkins has been brought to my attention, and I think it has our names written all over it.
Who Made Who
Makes me wonder who he is talking to in that video. Me? Our little search as a whole?
He's right though. It is time to start thinking for ourselves. Brody's pulled a lot of wool over a lot of eyes. Makes me wonder why? What is he up to? Should this video make us suspend our search or revitalize it?
What do you think? Lets have a little discussion, you and I. Post your comments, and I'll respond to them here.
Addressing some recent comments left on the blog:
No, I have not seen Brody in person. I had seen footage of a person I thought was Brody and when I received the original Brody pictures that I posted here, I was taken in by what it turns out was a charade. Apparently Brody's gone to some length to have us looking for the wrong man. If so, why not keep the charade going? Why reveal his true self now? Is it because of whoever the tipster was who sent us the actual Brody photos? Right now, I can't say anything for sure.
I think that's a very good assessment of the situation. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Sorry, I didn't mean there was an actual message in the e-mail. The e-mail simply contained the image, no explanation, no real message at all.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Can of Worms

The mystery continues and the anonymous messages are still dropping in. Logic tells me it's just someone having fun messing with our search. My gut, or perhaps my heart, is telling me otherwise. I can't shake this feeling that this is someone trying to help us. Certainly in an enigmatic roundabout way, but at this point we need all the help we can get. Anyway, the new message contains the image you see above and the following words:
"Someone is waving a deceptive flag at you all. Remember, lie just enough to fool the foolish."
As always, I appreciate any comments and thoughts you all can provide. I do read them all and it helps to know I'm not alone in all this. So thank you, everybody.
Monday, March 3, 2008

I just received another anonymous e-mail containing the photo you see above. This one is extremely odd! I think it's probably a weird joke, but I wanted to share it with you all for the sake of holding nothing back. Please share your thoughts on this. As seems to be happening more and more frequently, I am at a loss for words.
From: Anonymous
Subject: penniesonyoureyes
What face did character build in your mind. He is a disease. --Anonymous
Friday, February 29, 2008
Janie Says
Regarding the audio from the previous post, the source on that posted a comment there detailing how she came upon the CD. For any interested parties out there, check the comments on my previous post to get the whole story.
The plot continues to thicken, and Brody sightings continue to trickle in. I received a new tip in the e-mail earlier today from Florida. I blanked out portions of her address for her privacy.
Subject: Brody Hawkins
Hi, my name's Janie. I spotted Brody at a Reggae Party tonight talking to a redhead at the Clematis by Night show. I couldn't get close enough to talk to him and by the time I borrowed my girlfriend's cam-phone they were gone.
Anyway, I'm in west palm florida. I hope this helps!!
There you have it, everyone. If you're in West Palm area, keep a look out and keep those tips coming!
The plot continues to thicken, and Brody sightings continue to trickle in. I received a new tip in the e-mail earlier today from Florida. I blanked out portions of her address for her privacy.
Subject: Brody Hawkins
Hi, my name's Janie. I spotted Brody at a Reggae Party tonight talking to a redhead at the Clematis by Night show. I couldn't get close enough to talk to him and by the time I borrowed my girlfriend's cam-phone they were gone.
Anyway, I'm in west palm florida. I hope this helps!!
There you have it, everyone. If you're in West Palm area, keep a look out and keep those tips coming!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Brody audio?
Another comment was left on my latest blog entry. This one from an anonymous source.
"I live near Livonia and I went to that Blockbuster eariler today. Brody left an audio cd behind. I think you should hear it. Brody sounds very depressed and I think he may be danger of hurting himself.
The whole thing feels a bit suspicious to me. Who is this anonymous person? How did they pick up a cd with this audio on it at the Blockbuster store? Did they just walk in and the clerk said "Hey, here you go!"? If Brody left it there for someone, why?
"I live near Livonia and I went to that Blockbuster eariler today. Brody left an audio cd behind. I think you should hear it. Brody sounds very depressed and I think he may be danger of hurting himself.
Here is the audio:
February 22, 2008 6:54 PM"
The audio file is disturbing to say the least. I'm really quite at a loss for words concerning it's contents. Um, I guess everybody should take a listen and comment with some of your thoughts.
The whole thing feels a bit suspicious to me. Who is this anonymous person? How did they pick up a cd with this audio on it at the Blockbuster store? Did they just walk in and the clerk said "Hey, here you go!"? If Brody left it there for someone, why?
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
First of all, let me thank everyone who is participating in this search. The videos are popping up everywhere and this thing is picking up some real steam it seems. Keep spreading the word, my friends!
News on Brody's location! A Hawkins fan was lucky enough to actually meet Brody in person! I received this comment on my last blog:
"I'm a clerk at a Blockbuster store in Livonia, Michigan, near Detroit. It's on Middlebelt Road.
I'm a pretty big fan of Brody's and I had heard he disappeared. Imagine my surprise when he came into my store to buy a coke! He was nice enough to give me an autograph. Um, yeah, I noticed you were behind a search to track him down, and I figured I'd let you know what happened.
Exciting! I looked up the store on Blockbuster Online. Sure enough:
Store Details
Thank you, Sheila!
News on Brody's location! A Hawkins fan was lucky enough to actually meet Brody in person! I received this comment on my last blog:
"I'm a clerk at a Blockbuster store in Livonia, Michigan, near Detroit. It's on Middlebelt Road.
I'm a pretty big fan of Brody's and I had heard he disappeared. Imagine my surprise when he came into my store to buy a coke! He was nice enough to give me an autograph. Um, yeah, I noticed you were behind a search to track him down, and I figured I'd let you know what happened.
February 19, 2008 10:02 PM
Exciting! I looked up the store on Blockbuster Online. Sure enough:
Store Details
Thank you, Sheila!
Friday, February 8, 2008
I was checking my voicemail earlier today, and there was a strange message from an anonymous tipster. Strange because no one on the search has my cell number. The voice simply said in a rather grainy voice "Brody. He's at Niagra Falls."
The caller id simply said "Private" so no info there. So, since things are a bit slow, I thought I would throw this unconfirmed report out there, see if anyone can come up with any proof. Maybe this tipster would like to come forward with further information?
The caller id simply said "Private" so no info there. So, since things are a bit slow, I thought I would throw this unconfirmed report out there, see if anyone can come up with any proof. Maybe this tipster would like to come forward with further information?
Thursday, February 7, 2008
And we're back
Wow, a lot of strange stuff going down over here. My e-mail gets hacked, a strange post gets placed here, then my whole computer goes completely on the fritz. Just got it back from the geeks, seems everything is back to normal.
I advise everyone to stay away from the address. I don't know how or why, but someone seems to be able to keep getting in there and making a mess of things.
About the mystery blog, I will not repost that. I went over it a few times, doesn't seem to be any real info pertaining to Brody. I'm guessing it was a glitch in the system, some how someone else's blog got posted here.
I'm going to try to keep this thing on track from now on. Will update when I have any new info for you guys.
I advise everyone to stay away from the address. I don't know how or why, but someone seems to be able to keep getting in there and making a mess of things.
About the mystery blog, I will not repost that. I went over it a few times, doesn't seem to be any real info pertaining to Brody. I'm guessing it was a glitch in the system, some how someone else's blog got posted here.
I'm going to try to keep this thing on track from now on. Will update when I have any new info for you guys.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
What the hell?
I wake up to a new post in my blog, and I didn't write it or put it there. What the hell is going on here?
First my e-mail and now my blog. Who is doing this and why?
First my e-mail and now my blog. Who is doing this and why?
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Patriots Win!
I wish. What a disappointing game. Even though I probably spent more time scanning the crowd for Brody then actually watching the game. I really need an HDTV. Maybe I should turn this search into a fund raiser?
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Location Location Location
This just in at the "Search For Brody" news room, we've received a tip from a reliable source that Brody Hawkins is currently hanging out with the New England Patriots at the Westin Kierland Resort in Scottsdale, Arizona. I gave the resort a call and asked for Brody Hawkins. The receptionist's response was pretty strange. At first, she seemed to know exactly who I was talking about, and then she seemed to "remember" that they don't have a Brody Hawkins at that hotel after all. She didn't sound too sure of herself. I think they are jerking me around.
I'll have to try again later.
Just a heads up to my readers, my e-mail account was recently compromised. Somehow someone was able to hack in. I changed my password, but for safety's sake, any questions or info should be written as comments to these blogs. If someone could get into my e-mail, it has me worried they were impersonating me and then just deleted the evidence. At least the blog has the benefit of the public eye.
I'll have to try again later.
Just a heads up to my readers, my e-mail account was recently compromised. Somehow someone was able to hack in. I changed my password, but for safety's sake, any questions or info should be written as comments to these blogs. If someone could get into my e-mail, it has me worried they were impersonating me and then just deleted the evidence. At least the blog has the benefit of the public eye.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
"Once you've lost time you can never get it back."
Monday, January 28, 2008
A Thousand Words

Photos of Brody Hawkins are not as easy to find as I thought, as attested by all the emails I have received asking for a picture of him. Sorting through the virtual stack of e-mails, I came upon a certain message from an anonymous sender. It contained the above photo. I can verify for anyone reading this, that is Brody Hawkins. The photo correlates with some footage I've seen of him.
Anyone making any future videos on youtube for the search are encouraged to use the above photo. Get those videos out there!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
and progress is a message that we send
Ok, the youtube video went up yesterday!
The emails have been pouring in from fellow fans of Brody's. They should have found this blog by now if they were paying attention.
I did get a heads up about a possible message from Brody recently! Something about being at the Patriots game tonight. It's no secret he's a big football fan, so I'm a bit cautious about the validity of that. Not much we can do about it at the moment anyway. We simply don't have enough people on the search yet to be able to investigate such claims.
Which is why I am strongly urging everyone reading this to help me spread the word. One youtube video can easily go unnoticed and much of the public isn't even aware that Brody Hawkins is missing! So please, upload your own videos to youtube. The more videos we have, the more people will see and want to help. The first and most important step to finding Brody is public attention.
The emails have been pouring in from fellow fans of Brody's. They should have found this blog by now if they were paying attention.
I did get a heads up about a possible message from Brody recently! Something about being at the Patriots game tonight. It's no secret he's a big football fan, so I'm a bit cautious about the validity of that. Not much we can do about it at the moment anyway. We simply don't have enough people on the search yet to be able to investigate such claims.
Which is why I am strongly urging everyone reading this to help me spread the word. One youtube video can easily go unnoticed and much of the public isn't even aware that Brody Hawkins is missing! So please, upload your own videos to youtube. The more videos we have, the more people will see and want to help. The first and most important step to finding Brody is public attention.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
The Search Begins
Acclaimed filmmaker Brody Hawkins has gone missing. If you're reading this, we need your help finding him.
Brody was co-founder of the film company Skeleton Key Global. He had recently completed work on his latest documentary "48 Hours in Purgatory" - a film that stuck normal people in an isolated room for 48 hours. Facing sleep deprivation, they would be "interviewed" about their past and their secrets in an attempt to make them face their own demons.
During filming, Brody had begun showing signs of mental instability - mood swings, inconsistent memories, alienating himself. As filming progressed the problems got worse. In the days leading up to his disappearance the last few contacts with the world Brody made were vague ramblings and simple pleas for help. However, all attempts to reach him failed.
Currently, his location is unknown. We fear for his safety and his sanity. We need to find him so we can give him the help he needs and solve the mystery of what happened to him.
If you know of the whereabouts of Brody Hawkins, or if you would like to help in the effort to find him, please contact us. The e-mail is
Updates on the search will be posted here, so be sure to check back often.
Brody was co-founder of the film company Skeleton Key Global. He had recently completed work on his latest documentary "48 Hours in Purgatory" - a film that stuck normal people in an isolated room for 48 hours. Facing sleep deprivation, they would be "interviewed" about their past and their secrets in an attempt to make them face their own demons.
During filming, Brody had begun showing signs of mental instability - mood swings, inconsistent memories, alienating himself. As filming progressed the problems got worse. In the days leading up to his disappearance the last few contacts with the world Brody made were vague ramblings and simple pleas for help. However, all attempts to reach him failed.
Currently, his location is unknown. We fear for his safety and his sanity. We need to find him so we can give him the help he needs and solve the mystery of what happened to him.
If you know of the whereabouts of Brody Hawkins, or if you would like to help in the effort to find him, please contact us. The e-mail is
Updates on the search will be posted here, so be sure to check back often.
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